Regionalbibliothek Adliswil
Datum: 30.03.2025
Ende: 30.03.2025
Zeit: 10:30
Bilingual Kamishibai – Deutsch/English

As part of the BiblioWeekend 2025, on Sunday, 30th of March at 10:30 am, the Kamishibai box will be opend again and a children’s book will be read aloud twice. Once by Shima Sheikholeslami in english and once by Eva Zwahlen in swissgerman. Afterwards, kids will get a little snack and there will be enough time to do some artwork with Shima, who is a professional artist.

The entry is free of charge, and you don’t need to register anymore.

The library is looking forward to many little visitors aged 3-6 years!


Regionalbibliothek Adliswil


Regionalbibliothek Adliswil
Manuela Aeberli

Regionalbibliothek Adliswil

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